Work Life Balance
No doubt life in the 21st Century is a busy time. At least it is busy for most people. In many families parents juggle two careers, kids, their relationship and try to have time to themselves. It’s easy to see why many feel they don't have time for themselves. Like time is slipping away fast. Like water through their fingers. And that there's nothing they can do to stop it. But there is. We know expert coaching or therapy can help.
People often talk about work-life balance as if there was work and then there’s this other thing called ‘life’ to which they are less able to be a part of. Of course, that’s not true. It’s all ‘life’, even work but what people often mean is they feel life passing them by doing things for survival and not for enjoyment.
This lack of doing things for enjoyment, for ourselves and our loved ones, things we like and we are passionate about can be dangerous. As a result, often people report experiencing:
exhaustion, both physical and emotional. Often people feel they have ‘nothing to give’ at the end of the day.
lack of enjoyment of the things they used to like,
difficulty sleeping, with many reporting waking up often at night
anxiety, and wanting to avoid people, work and others
and even depression.
This is what can happen when we give other people’s wants and needs priority over our needs and we forget about ourselves. Why? because human beings have a need to be useful, to have purpose in their lives, to be connected to themselves.
But, isn’t that what work should do? give us engagement and enjoyment? and, for some, it often is. A little too much. Some people get so caught up in work, because they enjoy it so much, that their other important relationships start to come undone. So this is not the solution either. In the end many find themselves alone and questioning their life choices. That’s also a reason for bringing in some clarity to our lives and making sure there’s more balance.
If you know you need help to work out what’s really important in your life, what deserves your time and attention, let’s talk. Please, don’t make a decision in a crisis and throw away your job. There’s always time for that later, right? Make an informed decision. That’s where I can help.
Work – life balance is important. Therapy, or expert coaching, can help to establish, improve and maintain an appropriate balance.
For a prompt appointment, please call on +61 02 8935 3885. I may be with a client, or otherwise occupied, in which case please leave a message with your contact number. I will respond promptly. Or email: Or use the contact page to send me an email.